Estilos: Metalcore, Hardcore, Hard Rock
País: U.S.A.
Formato: MP3
Biltrate: ¡Ya no me acuerdo! Creo que 128, si no, 192kbps
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Comprimido con: WinRar

City of Evil [2005]
01. Beast and the Harlot
02. Burn It Down
03. Blinded in Chains
04. Bat Country
05. Thrashed and Scattered
06. Seize the Day
07. Sidewinder
08. The Wicked End
09. Strenght of the World
10. Betrayed
11. M.I.A.

Avenged Sevenfold [2007]

01. Critical Acclaim
02. Almost Easy
03. Scream
04. Afterlife
05. Gunslinger
06. Unbound (The Wild Ride)
07. Brompton Cocktail
08. Lost
09. A Littile Piece of Heaven
10. Dear God

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